Dr. Mahmoud
Alsalkhi (2013), The Effect of Using Ipad
of the Achievement of the Ninth Grade Students in the Islamic Education in
Jordan (Journal of Education and Practice).
The development of
technology is a worldwide issue. It affects almost everything and every aspect
in human life, including education. In term of education, technology makes
people easier in accessing and delivering knowledge. The knowledge and news
will be spread out faster. So people can easily get recent knowledge and news.
Beside, technology also gives people a lot of possibilities to create various
kinds of method in delivering knowledge to others. One of the brand new
products of technology with a lot of benefits is ipad. People start to use it
with so many reasons, one of the reasons is for educational purpose based on
Jim Harmon (2013) stated that “The iPad has been
the focus of much excitement in the educational world of late, leading some to
insist the device is a death knell for textbook companies (p. 1).
The effect of using iPad
of the achievement of students is the research that conducted by Dr. Mahmoud
Alsalkhi on 2013, The Effect of Using
Ipad of the Achievement of the Ninth Grade Students in the Islamic Education in
Jordan. In particular, Dr. Mahmoud Alsalkhi applied this research to the
ninth grade students in the Islamic Education in Jordan. Dr. Mahmoud Alsalkhi
is a lecturer in the department of educational sciences in The University of
Jordan. He wrote a lot about research in Islamic education and culture and also
about fiqh. One of his latest researches is about the effect of using iPad for
students in Islamic Education in Jordan.
There are four terms that should be defined in this
research, according to Mahmoud Alsalkhi. There are the iPad, the conventional
method of teaching, achievement and unit of Islamic jurisprudent. Mahmoud
Alsalkhi mentioned, “The iPad is a line of tablet computers designed and
marketed by Apple Inc. It is a fast and precise electronic device that has the
ability to receive, store, and treat data .This device provides a new
technology that can split and communicate presented information to the learner
to be acquired in a simple, easy, and clear way” (p. 96). Meanwhile, the
conventional method of teaching defined as “the way in which students learn
with the help of the teacher who takes the primary role in the learning
process” (p. 96). Another term that also has to define in this study is
achievement than mentioned as “The amount of what has been achieved by students
from behavioral learning objectives in the unit of jurisprudent in Islamic
Education, in this research, achievement is measured by the total mark of
student obtained from the test prepared by the researcher for this study” (p.
96). The last term is unit of Islamic Jurisprudent that defined as “one of the
modules prescribed in the book of Islamic education for the primary ninth grade
in the second semester of the academic year 2012/2013. This unit includes the
following topics (Usury, Money Exchange, Sale on Credit, Marriage, Dowry,
Permanent Forbiddance of Women, and Temporary Forbiddance of Women)” (p. 96).
Then the author stated the limitation of this study based on the definitions
above by the three things: this study conducted only in the elementary
ninth-grade students in the Hassad Educational Schools, the Directorate of
Private Education in Amman, for the academic year 2012 /2013, to know the
impact of using iPad on students’ achievement, and to the unit of Islamic
jurisprudent in the Islamic education.
Based on Mahmoud Alsalkhi, this research aims to “manifest
the effect of using ipad on the students” achievement ninth grade in the
Islamic Education in Jordan compared to the conventional method’ (p. 94). The
sample of the research consists of 95 students from Al-Hasad Educational
schools that belong to the Directorate of Private Education in Amman during the
second semester of the scholastic year 2012/2013. Mahmoud mentioned that the
objectives of this study is “to view on of the modern e- learning techniques,
and it’s applications in teaching Islamic Education in Jordan” (p. 95). According
to Mahmoud the objective of the study could be depicted into five as the
following: To view new and alternative methods away from traditional ones in
teaching the Islamic education through taking advantage of e- learning
techniques, to identify the differences in the achievement of the elementary
ninth-grade students who use the iPad in studying the Islamic Education unit
and among those who are studying in the traditional manner, as well as knowing
the impact the gender variable, and the interaction between the traditional
method and gender, to raise the awareness of Islamic education teachers to use
the ipad in the educational process, to contribute in improving methods and
resources of teaching Islamic education in public schools, and to emphasize the
importance of using the iPad in providing an interactive learning environment
which takes into account individual differences among learners (p. 95).
To support the
importance of this research, Mahmoud Alsalkhi mentioned some of similar
research that ever conducted before. One of the researches have been conducted by Kiger et al on third grade students at a
Midwestern elementary school (p. 96). Another research about using ipad as
teaching method also conducted by Haydon et al with different subject, high
school math students. Another reasearch conducted by Milman et al in a
qualitative case study about the implementation of an iPad initiative in
a PK-4 school in the United States (p. 96). Hahn
and Bussel on 2012 have conducted a research about the impact on a first year
undergraduate students’ performance in the University of Illinois (p. 97). Crichton
et al also showed a study about the impact of iPad
on students’ interaction and learning motivation that conducted in K-12 schools,
beside in this study they also involved the impact of iPad on the teachers’
performance (p. 97).
According to Mahmoud Alsalkhi, this study was
considered semi-empirical of the type pretest-posttest design given to two
equivalent groups. One group of the students taught by conventional method was
used as a control group, and the other empirical group of students was taught
by using the iPad tablet. This study is based on comparing the effect of using
the iPad with that of the conventional method on the learning achievement of
the students of the primary ninth grade in the Islamic jurisprudent unit in
Jordan (p. 97). The sample of this research consists of 95 students with 45
males and 50 females in primary ninth grade of Al-Hasad educational school. The
empirical group consists of 46 males and females students. Meanwhile, the
control group consists of 49 males and females students.
After the analysis, the study concludes three
following things: “Using the iPad in learning has a significant effect
on the academic achievement of the Ninth Grade students compared to those who
learned by the conventional method. the achievement of students (males and
females) who learned by the iPad was better than those who learned by
the conventional method, the 2-way interaction ANOVA analysis indicates that
there is no difference, with statistical indication at the level (α=0.05),
between the achievement of the Ninth Grade male students and female students,
Regarding the interaction between the gender and teaching method, the
achievement test results of male and female students in the control group
indicated no differences with statistical indication at the level (α = 0.05).
This means that the iPad has no effect on the achievement of students
attributed to their gender.” (p.102). In the end of this study, Mahmoud
Alsalkhi recommended others to conduct this kind of study that apply to all
learning stages and using various study materials in terms of theoretical
level. In the practical level, the author recommended that iPad tablets and
software should be available for students in all study stages. And a particular
recommendation from the author is “teachers of the Islamic Education be
qualified and trained for using the iPad and applying its educational programs”
(p. 102). The author also attached some picture of the iPad that used to
deliver a lesson and the sample of achievement test.
The research is almost convincing but the author
forgets to warn teacher or reader to consider about the bad effect from using
iPad. Since iPad is a brand new device of technology, some people may not
familiar with how to use it and how it works. The lack of understand the iPad
could not maximize the using of it though. So teacher and student have to have
the same ability in using the technology. Beside, teacher should aware to the
other purpose of using iPad that is for amusing and entertaining. The teacher
should consider controlling the students in using iPad not to let the students
use it for too much game and entertainment. So the researcher should present a
little bit about the disadvantages that could appear from the using of the
Another questionable aspect is the use of literature
review. The author should add more theoretical references to the writing, not
only the result of other researches. It would showed people that this kind of
research is really brand new so that lack of theoretical references.
Despite the criticism, from the study above, people
will know that the development of technology could bring a lot of benefits in
teaching method. It gives the opportunity and possibility for people to create
the way they learn and deliver lesson. It makes learning become much easier,
faster and also attractive supported by this brand new device called iPad. This
study also leads others researcher to a lot of issue for further study. For
Indonesia, this study gives a new contribution of knowledge in education.
Indonesian people can use this knowledge to improve learning process in
Indonesia. This study gives Indonesia people the awareness to maximize the
benefits of using iPad for educational purpose, since we know that the using of
iPad still dominated for amusing and entertaining purpose.